There is no charge to register as a pay-as-you-go customer. This is a great option for those preferring to pay for what they use, when they use it. Our membership options work out cheaper if attending more than once per week or 6 times per month.

Click here for our guide to registering as a pay-as-you-go customer.

Bookings can be made via our app (search DragonflyLeisure in the app store or google play) or our website booking platform.

Pay-as-you-go customers can book 7 days in advance (members 10 days).

Please note pay-as-you-go customers will be unable to move or cancel  bookings once payment has been made. Refunds are not available if you’re unable to attend at your booking time. Click here for full details on our cancellation and refund policy.

May 24
Team Bath AS and Dragonfly Leisure Unite to Launch New Swimming Opportunities

In a significant development for the local swimming community, Team Bath AS has secured exclusive pool time at the Dragonfly …

May 20
Aging Well Programme

Bath & North East Somerset Council is embarking on an exciting initiative known as the Ageing Well Programme.  This programme …